Ron Shaffer, Owner and CEO
Ron, beside being the CEO of Phoenix Sage LLC, is an all around technologist who has been working with systems since he was fifteen. Ron started out working on Novell Netware and hardware for X86 systems back when a 386sx was standard and you didn't get the DX without plugging another chip into the board. Ron was hired as a sophomore in college to work for KPMG Consulting and travelled the country learning everything they'd let a nineteen year old tackle. This is where Ron first learned about management consulting, accounting systems, metrics, and where he first started working with ORACLE. Since then Ron has worked for several organizations in public and private sectors learning more and more until he decided to start Phoenix Sage. Ron wanted to start a company of his own, a place he could put down his flag and say "succeed or fail, it's all my fault" and in the process help as many people as he could along the way.